
Pack the Pickup 2019

Anderson Development Company( ADC) is pleased to continue our work with Daily Bread of Lenawee, an organization that has been working to provide nutritious meals for those in need for the past 18 years. This year, ADC was delighted to participate in our 5th annual collection drive for the Daily Bread of Lenawee. The collection saw a 14% increase over last year’s drive with 2,260 pounds of food collected, as well as a 3% increase in cash donations receiving a total amount of $390.

In addition to the donations, ADC has donated 10 food certificates, for meat and fresh vegetables, along with a check that will be presented to the Daily Bread of Lenawee for $2,650.

We would like to thank all of our employees for their support towards the community by contributing to the Pack the Pickup event year after year!









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